Monday, 24 May 2010

Always just around the corner...

Whenever I paint I work best when I let go and let the brush and my soul do the work. I never know what is going to appear on the canvas when I start and often surprised when I see what appears...

The above painting 'just around the corner' is a prime example. I had intended to paint the Mandala I have been working on, but instead the mind wandered and I came up with this???

Will have another go at the Mandala canvas when I can clear my head.

Looking at the picture again, a few hours after painting it. I m feeling that this may be the result of my minds symbolic way of hiding away. The circular area which appears to be hidden behind a mask is the area I was to use as the background for the Mandala. For this reason I feel I should go ahead and draw in the mandala I had in mind originally but leave it masked as the painting depicts.

Thursday, 20 May 2010


I adore Mandalas for their infinate style and variation. Each and every one so personal and with deep connections to the soul of the creator.

I read that the best way to describe a Madala is to make one, so here is what I came up with...

The above is an ideas doodle of a Madala I will create later on. I see it in pinks, greens and purples with highlights of gold and silver. I m looking forward to getting it onto canvas because until then I have no idea how it will end up, what I do know is that it will be fun to create.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Butterfly Sight - A recycled/reworked picture. Mixed media Acrylic 50cm x 50cm.

The canvas before.
Today I decided to recycle a mass produced picture canvas I had bought some months ago, but never put up on a wall because when I got it home I didnt really care for it very much.

Waste not, want not, I say! So I set to work giving the canvas a new look.

The existing picture had some stiched areas that I have incorporated into the painting as the butterflies. The rest has been painted over almost entirely.


You can just about see the original print showing beneath my paintwork. I actually rather like this effect. The original artwork is hidden but not obliterated from view altogether.

I would love to know your comments...

Its been too many years since...

I last put brush to canvas. Having been passionate about art since very young, yet never really explored it with enjoyment. It was the colours more than the structure of any pice of artwork that resonated with me. The pain of being forced to learn fine art techniques at college when all the Alchemist in me wanted to do back then was learn how to create specialist glazes for ceramics, ended up with me turning my back on art altogether with great sadness and regret, until now that is.

My head is brim full of ideas, influences and images collected over my 36 years on this earth. Now at last with life and work running smoothly and coherantly for once, I have found myself some head space at last, turning back to the canvas to let my spirit free again.

Standing with a blank canvas in front of me I had no plans of what to paint, so there I stood feeling blank, with a million ideas and images running round in circles in my head.
In the background I hardly realised the radio was on, until my ears pricked up listening to a news report about the awful BP oil spill, gushing ever more barrels of oil into the sea by the second.

With no plans to paint a sea scape or depict the scene I was listening in on, I was more concerned with the colour purple swimming around in my head. So without thinking I started to blend purples onto the canvas while subconsciously listening to radio on in the back ground.

Before I knew it I had painted my first canvas in 17 years!

Now that I have let the paint out again, I know it'll be a while before I lock the brushes up again once more.