Wednesday, 23 June 2010

A creative woman...

Being creative makes me happy, so what on earth was I thinking allowing disappointment to prevent me from being creative?

Having had a good ol moan in my post yesterday. Sorry about that btw. :( Time is now to pick my sorry ass up, and get my mojo back in shape again. :)

In my search for that butt kicking moment, I came across the blog from inspirational woman and creative kindred soul on Twitter @wildheartqueen who says in her intro "You are in the right place if you are creatively stuck, blocked and frustrated." Yep Im there... But not for long now...:)

Reading through her inspirational Blog, it was refreshing to read such wonderful honesty, which in today's highly critical world is often hidden or avoided for fear of repercussions.

So to hell with repercussions. I am me - dangerously creative, and bursting with life.

Life is short, so Im gonna get back to living it the best way I know how.


Lizzie J X

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  1. Bravo to you, Lizzie! Very well said. Looking forward to more of your blog posts.

    aka @colorpoetry

  2. Hi Martha
    Thank you for your lovely comment.

    It's high time I picked myself up, dusted myself down and let my creativity out to play again. :)

    Namaste love n light. x
