Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Why I love my hands...

I love my hands because they are creative hands. Hands that doodle and draw, paint, cut, colour and more...

I love my hands because they hold the small hands of my children. Walking along or simply sitting, we link fingers and we are one.

I love my hands because they hold up the book I am reading and turn its pages. Books are my escape, my little sanctuary from the everyday humdrum.

I love my hands because they hold my camera up to my eye and press the shutter to capture what it sees. Seeing the world in detail is a delight - and to capture that image forever is a thing that brings me great joy.

I love my hands because my nails are growing strong. Which tells me that I am in good health - and after being in only so-so health for so long - that makes me very, very happy.

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